
Decatur Airport

Location:4 miles east of central Decatur
Latitude:39 (deg) 50 (min) 08 (sec)
Longitude:88 (deg) 51 (min) 98 (sec)
Elevation:682’ MSL


Runway 6-248,500’ X 150’grooved asphalt & concrete, HIRL
Runway 12-306,800’ X 150’grooved (partial) asphalt & concrete, MIRL
Runway 18-365,300’ X 150’grooved asphalt, MIRL
Navigational AidsCommunication
Runway 6ILS, GPS, MALSRTower (Local Control)118.9
Runway 24LOC-BC, VASI, REILGround Control121.75
Runway 12REILApproach Control132.85
Runway 30GPSDeparture Control132.85
Runway 18VOR, PAPIATIS126.35
Runway 36NDB, VOR, VASIUnicom122.95

Control Tower (Level I) – 6:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Airport Surface Observation System (ASOS) – 217 – 429-0052

Pilot-Controlled Lighting: When tower is closed, HIRL runway 6-24 preset low intensity; to increase intensity and activate MIRL runway 12-30 and runway 18-36 and REILS; taxiway lights and MALSR runway 6, use CTAF.

Hours of Operation: 24 hours

Fuel: 100LL and Jet A

Certified FAR Part 139

24-hour Fire Protection (ARFF Index A; can provide Index B or C upon request)

The purpose of this page is to provide general information for VFR flying that may be useful to a pilot in planning a flight or in communicating with the Decatur Airport. It is not intended to be relied upon as a completely accurate depiction of existing airport conditions. The user is cautioned against using this document as a sole source for obtaining airport information. Please obtain the latest information from all available sources prior to flight.